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Transiti nelle Case astrologiche

3. Transits of Neptune in the First House

3. Transits of Neptune in the First House This is not easy because new aspects of our personality and of what others see in us are always present. We can assist a loved one who needs us, with great dedication ops we also become part of groups or assistance
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Transits of Neptune in the First House
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3. Neptune transits in the first house This is not easy because there is always new aspects of our personality and what others see in us. Dynamic elements in appearance: Neptune, first - idealism, personal Keywords: harmonious: idealism, generation, inconsocon this house begins the path of the sun at dawn, is the home of birth, of the physical aspect, of how you show you to others, of the body, of the initiatives and of the sense of self Health influences: harmonious: wellness, vitality, good, satisfaction, strength, dissonant: malaise, pain, unstable, evil, Emotional influences: harmonious: active, calm, stable, dissonant: passive emotions, tensions, contrasted, What you need to manage: relationship between idealism and personal The changes that we suffer can confuse us and also confuse others. Therefore relationships become difficult, especially because the lost people who attract to us seem to the projected image of ourselves. But as we confuse and delude others, in the same way they do it with us, perhaps inadvertently.
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3. Transits of Neptune in the Ninth House

3. Transits of Neptune in the Ninth House See also: The houses of the zodiac part 2 Observing the stars gives important reflections for personal growth. See also: Questions to Ask . See also: Liveastrosky native theme of professional vocation with report S
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Transits of Neptune in the Ninth House
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3. Neptune transits in the ninth house But if we are not careful, it can confuse the ideas on the world and take us completely off the road: the effects of the transit are rather abstract nature. Dynamic elements in appearance: Neptune, Ninth - Idealism, Idealism Keywords: harmonious: idealism, generation, unconscious ninth house governs faith, religion, spirituality, philosophy, morality and ethics. Knowledge, universities and schools, long-lasting journeys, expatriation and life at the outside. Health influences: harmonious: wellness, vitality, good, satisfaction, strength, dissonant: malaise, pain, unstable, evil, Emotional influences: harmonious: active, calm, stable, dissonant: passive emotions, tensions, contrasted, What you need to manage: relationship between idealism and idealism We live with the awareness of being extent well distinct from the others, with a life that has a course different from that of others. Nettuno governs a type of energy that comes from the deepest realm of being where there are no ego and differentiated beings. Therefore the planet blurs the view of the distinction between us and others.
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3. Transits of Pluto in the Fourth House

3. Transits of Pluto in the Fourth House On a psychological level, we will finally have to face problems that we have dragged on since childhood, which now reappear and of which we perceive the consequences on our life as adults. The irrational coercions,
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Transits of Pluto in the Fourth House
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3. Pluto transits in the fourth home At the psychological level, we will have finally address problems that we dragged from the childhood, which now relate and we perceive the consequences on our lives of adults. Dynamic elements in appearance: Pluto, fourth - transformation, love Keywords: harmonious: deep, transformation, unconscious, power, represents your place of origin, the house you were born, the family, the hidden things, the world after death, houses, land and buildings. Health influences: harmonious: wellness, vitality, good, satisfaction, strength, dissonant: malaise, pain, unstable, evil, Emotional influences: harmonious: active, calm, stable, dissonant: passive emotions, tensions, contrasted, What you need to manage: relationship between transformation and love We don't want to live there anymore, we have and we can change at a fundamental level. The irrational coerciones, inadequate infant behaviors to which almost every so often indulge, will be brought to the surface and examined. If we feel that there can be useful, this is the ideal time to undergo a psychotherapy.
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3. Transiti di Nettuno Seconda Casa

3. Transiti di Nettuno Seconda Casa Se siamo molto attaccati a ciò che possediamo e dipendiamo completamente da esso, c`è la probabilità che perderemo le cose che consideriamo importanti. Ma se prendiamo le cose troppo seriamente e vogliamo a tutti i co
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Transiti di Nettuno Seconda Casa
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3. Transiti di Nettuno in Seconda Casa Se siamo molto attaccati a ciò che possediamo e dipendiamo completamente da esso, c`è la probabilità che perderemo le cose che consideriamo importanti. Elementi dinamici in aspetto: Nettuno, Seconda - Idealismo, Emotività Parole chiave: armonico: idealismo, generazione, inconsciola seconda Casa ci informa su tutto quello che riguarda il denaro, l’acquisizione di beni immobili, ciò che ci fa sentire sicuri, la nostra capacità di concretizzare e agire nel mondo materiale Influssi sulla salute: Armonico: benessere, vitalità, bene, soddisfazione, forza, Dissonante: malessere, dolori, instabile, male, Influssi emotivi: Armonico: attive, calme, stabili, Dissonante: emozioni passive, tensioni, contrastate, Cosa bisogna gestire: rapporto tra Idealismo e Emotività Nettuno agisce contro l`ego e contro gli oggetti a cui siamo attaccati, rendendoci confusionari e inetti, prima di farci giungere ad una nuova orientazione di idee. Ma ciò non significa che perderemo tutti i nostri beni: probabilmente faremo dei gran pasticci nella gestione delle nostre proprietà e commetteremo errori che ci coste ranno cari; ma non c`è motivo di pensare che perderemo tutto. I guai peggiori capiteranno a coloro che si identificano con i loro possedimenti e danno un`importanza eccessiva alle cose materiali.
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3. Transiti di Nettuno Decima Casa

3. Transiti di Nettuno Decima Casa Il problema è che non sappiamo bene dove stiamo andando e perché. Oppure decidiamo improvvisamente che il nostro attuale lavoro è inadeguato e dobbiamo cercare qualcosa di pi adatto a noi. Se esso rappresenta il nostro
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Transiti di Nettuno Decima Casa
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3. Transiti di Nettuno in Decima Casa Il problema è che non sappiamo bene dove stiamo andando e perché. Elementi dinamici in aspetto: Nettuno, Decima - Idealismo, Trasformazione Parole chiave: armonico: idealismo, generazione, inconsciola cuspide della decima Casa è il punto più alto che possono toccare il Sole e gli altri Pianeti quindi è chiamata Medio Cielo e ci informa su tutto quello che riguarda il successo. Influssi sulla salute: Armonico: benessere, vitalità, bene, soddisfazione, forza, Dissonante: malessere, dolori, instabile, male, Influssi emotivi: Armonico: attive, calme, stabili, Dissonante: emozioni passive, tensioni, contrastate, Cosa bisogna gestire: rapporto tra Idealismo e Trasformazione Gli effetti del transito molto dipendono dall`atteggiamento che abbiamo nei confronti del nostro lavoro. Se esso rappresenta il nostro unico scopo di vita, allora il transito potrà essere assai difficile. Nettuno ci spingerà a dubitare della validità di ciò che stiamo facendo e ad esaminare l`opportunità o meno di tirare avanti; e saranno le delusioni, le sconfitte personali, i fatti spiacevoli della vita lavorativa a portarci tutti questi dubbi.
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3. Transiti di Plutone Quinta Casa

3. Transiti di Plutone Quinta Casa Da un lato si riferisce ai divertimenti, alla ricreazione nel senso letterale della parola; dall`altro ai figli che sono una ri-creazione di se stessi in un altro senso. Quando Plutone si trova nella quinta casa del nostr
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Transiti di Plutone Quinta Casa
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3. Transiti di Plutone in Quinta Casa Da un lato si riferisce ai divertimenti, alla ricreazione nel senso letterale della parola; dall`altro ai figli che sono una ri-creazione di se stessi in un altro senso. Elementi dinamici in aspetto: Plutone, Quinta - Trasformazione, Forza Parole chiave: armonico: profondo, trasformazione, inconscio, potere, la Quinta Casa ci indica gli svaghi, i passatempi, il divertimento, lo sport, il tempo libero, e sopratutto i figli, le loro condizioni ed il nostro rapporto con loro. Influssi sulla salute: Armonico: benessere, vitalità, bene, soddisfazione, forza, Dissonante: malessere, dolori, instabile, male, Influssi emotivi: Armonico: attive, calme, stabili, Dissonante: emozioni passive, tensioni, contrastate, Cosa bisogna gestire: rapporto tra Trasformazione e Forza Per chi ha figli questo sarà un periodo determinante nei rapporti con essi, in senso buono o cattivo; ogni gesto che compiamo verso i figli in questo periodo farà sentire potentemente il suo effetto in seguito. Per tanto bisogna agire con ponderazione nei rapporti coi figli. Più precisa mente può verificarsi un periodo di tensione con i figli se tentiamo di fa re eccessiva pressione su di loro e tentiamo di cambiarli; in altri termini, un conflitto di poteri.
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3. Transits of Neptune in the Second House

3. Transits of Neptune in the Second House If we are very attached to what we own and completely depend on it, there is the probability that we will lose the things we consider important. But if we take things too seriously and want to win at all costs, th
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Transits of Neptune in the Second House
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3. Neptune transits in second house If we are very attached to what we own and depend completely from it, there is the probability that we will lose the things we consider important. Dynamic elements in appearance: Neptune, second - idealism, emotionality Keywords: harmonious: idealism, generation, unconscious second home informs us about everything related to money, the acquisition of real estate, what makes us feel safe, our ability to concretize and act in the material world Health influences: harmonious: wellness, vitality, good, satisfaction, strength, dissonant: malaise, pain, unstable, evil, Emotional influences: harmonious: active, calm, stable, dissonant: passive emotions, tensions, contrasted, What you need to manage: relationship between idealism and emotion Neptune acts against the Geo and against the objects we are attacked, making us confusionaries and inept, before making us come to a new orientation of ideas. But this does not mean that we will lose all our assets: we will probably make large pastries in the management of our properties and we will make mistakes that they will ride expensive; But there is no reason to think that we will lose everything. The worst trouble will happen to those who identify with their possessions and give excessive importance to material things.
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3. Transits of Neptune in the 10th house

3. Transits of Neptune in the 10th house See also: The houses of the zodiac part 2 Observing the stars gives important reflections for personal growth. See also: Questions to Ask . See also: Liveastrosky native theme of professional vocation with report Se
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Transits of Neptune in the 10th house
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3. Neptune transits in tenth home The problem is that we don't know well where we are going and why. Dynamic elements in appearance: Neptune, tenth - idealism, transformation Keywords: harmonious: idealism, generation, cusp cusp of the tenth house is the highest point that can touch the sun and the other planets is called medium sky and informs us about everything related to success. Health influences: harmonious: wellness, vitality, good, satisfaction, strength, dissonant: malaise, pain, unstable, evil, Emotional influences: harmonious: active, calm, stable, dissonant: passive emotions, tensions, contrasted, What you need to manage: relationship between idealism and transformation The effects of transit much depend on the attitude we have towards our work. If it represents our only purpose of life, then the transit can be very difficult. Neptune will push us to doubt the validity of what we are doing and to examine the opportunity or not to move forward; And they will be the disappointments, personal defeats, the unpleasant facts of working life to bring us all these doubts.
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3. Transits of Pluto in the Fifth House

3. Transits of Pluto in the Fifth House On the one hand it refers to the entertainment, to the recreation in the literal sense of the word; . When Pluto is located in the fifth house of our Christmas theme, a relationship of love will probably be very heav
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Transits of Pluto in the Fifth House
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3. Pluto transits in fifth home On the one hand it refers to the entertainment, to recreation in the literal sense of the word; From the other to the children who are a re-creation of themselves in another sense. Dynamic elements in appearance: Pluto, fifth - transformation, strength Keywords: harmonious: deep, transformation, unconscious, power, the fifth house indicates the entertainment, pastimes, fun, sport, leisure, and above all the children, their conditions and our relationship with them. Health influences: harmonious: wellness, vitality, good, satisfaction, strength, dissonant: malaise, pain, unstable, evil, Emotional influences: harmonious: active, calm, stable, dissonant: passive emotions, tensions, contrasted, What you need to manage: relationship between transformation and force For those who have children this will be a decisive period in relations with them, in a good or bad sense; Every gesture that we do towards children in this period will make its effect feel powerfully. For a while we must act with weighting in relationships with children. The more precise mind a period of tension can occur with the children if we try to keep king excessive pressure on them and we try to change them; In other words, a conflict of powers.
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3. Transiti di Nettuno Terza Casa

3. Transiti di Nettuno Terza Casa Dobbiamo fare attenzione al modo in cui comunichiamo con la gente; abbiamo la tendenza a essere poco chiari e c`è peri colo di venire fraintesi, specialmente dai nostri parenti e dai vicini. Tutto ciò porta confusione, d
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Transiti di Nettuno Terza Casa
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3. Transiti di Nettuno in Terza Casa Dobbiamo fare attenzione al modo in cui comunichiamo con la gente; abbiamo la tendenza a essere poco chiari e c`è peri colo di venire fraintesi, specialmente dai nostri parenti e dai vicini. Elementi dinamici in aspetto: Nettuno, Terza - Idealismo, Intelligenza Parole chiave: armonico: idealismo, generazione, inconsciola terza Casa governa tutte le forme di comunicazione e di movimento. La parola, gli scritti in tutte le loro forme, i libri, le lettere, i brevi viaggi, i fratelli, gli amici ed i conoscenti. Influssi sulla salute: Armonico: benessere, vitalità, bene, soddisfazione, forza, Dissonante: malessere, dolori, instabile, male, Influssi emotivi: Armonico: attive, calme, stabili, Dissonante: emozioni passive, tensioni, contrastate, Cosa bisogna gestire: rapporto tra Idealismo e Intelligenza At tenti alle trattative d`affari; certi malintesi, o degli argomenti presentati ci sotto una falsa luce, ci possono portare a fare affari sballati che provocano guai e perdite di danaro. Il lato positivo del transito è che ci porta a un maggiore interesse per le verità spirituali e metafisiche. Sotto questa influenza possiamo iniziare lo studio serio di discipline esoteriche.
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Oggi posizione pianeti

On Thursday, November 07, 2024
10:56:00 (time zone = GMT + hours)

Sun15 Sco 31
Moon23 Cap 24
Mercury06 Sag 18
Venus24 Sag 50
Mars01 Leo 04
Jupiter19 Gem 56 R
Saturn12 Pis 45 R
Uranus25 Tau 38 R
Neptune27 Pis 23 R
Pluto29 Cap 48
Chiron20 Ari 10 R
Lilith14 Lib 30
True Node05 Ari 49 R

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