This area contains printable ephemeris files in table format. This format allows to view and print ephemerides in excellent quality. Each ephemeris file covers one year and prints on six pages, with one year per page.
Date | Sun | Moon | Mercury | Venus | Mars | Jupiter | Saturn | Uranus | Neptune | Pluto | Node | Lilith |
01.11.2024 | 9sc3 | 3sc14 | 27sc28 | 17sa6 | 28cn53 | 20ge29R | 12pi53R | 25ta54R | 27pi30R | 29cp44 | 6ar26R | 13li48 |
02.11.2024 | 10sc3 | 15sc12 | 28sc53 | 18sa18 | 29cn14 | 20ge24R | 12pi51R | 25ta52R | 27pi29R | 29cp45 | 6ar21R | 13li55 |
03.11.2024 | 11sc4 | 27sc18 | 0sa16 | 19sa30 | 29cn36 | 20ge20R | 12pi50R | 25ta49R | 27pi28R | 29cp45 | 6ar15R | 14li1 |
04.11.2024 | 12sc4 | 9sa33 | 1sa39 | 20sa42 | 29cn56 | 20ge15R | 12pi49R | 25ta47R | 27pi27R | 29cp46 | 6ar9R | 14li8 |
05.11.2024 | 13sc4 | 21sa59 | 3sa1 | 21sa54 | 0le17 | 20ge10R | 12pi47R | 25ta44R | 27pi26R | 29cp47 | 6ar2R | 14li15 |
06.11.2024 | 14sc4 | 4cp37 | 4sa22 | 23sa6 | 0le37 | 20ge5R | 12pi46R | 25ta42R | 27pi25R | 29cp47 | 5ar56R | 14li21 |
07.11.2024 | 15sc4 | 17cp28 | 5sa42 | 24sa18 | 0le56 | 19ge59R | 12pi45R | 25ta40R | 27pi24R | 29cp48 | 5ar51R | 14li28 |
08.11.2024 | 16sc4 | 0aq35 | 7sa1 | 25sa30 | 1le15 | 19ge54R | 12pi45R | 25ta37R | 27pi23R | 29cp49 | 5ar48R | 14li35 |
09.11.2024 | 17sc5 | 13aq58 | 8sa19 | 26sa42 | 1le34 | 19ge48R | 12pi44R | 25ta35R | 27pi22R | 29cp50 | 5ar47R | 14li41 |
10.11.2024 | 18sc5 | 27aq41 | 9sa35 | 27sa53 | 1le51 | 19ge42R | 12pi43R | 25ta32R | 27pi21R | 29cp51 | 5ar47 | 14li48 |
11.11.2024 | 19sc5 | 11pi44 | 10sa50 | 29sa5 | 2le9 | 19ge36R | 12pi43R | 25ta30R | 27pi20R | 29cp51 | 5ar48 | 14li55 |
12.11.2024 | 20sc6 | 26pi6 | 12sa2 | 0cp17 | 2le26 | 19ge30R | 12pi42R | 25ta27R | 27pi19R | 29cp52 | 5ar50 | 15li1 |
13.11.2024 | 21sc6 | 10ar46 | 13sa13 | 1cp28 | 2le42 | 19ge24R | 12pi42R | 25ta25R | 27pi18R | 29cp53 | 5ar50R | 15li8 |
14.11.2024 | 22sc6 | 25ar39 | 14sa22 | 2cp40 | 2le58 | 19ge17R | 12pi42R | 25ta22R | 27pi18R | 29cp54 | 5ar48R | 15li14 |
15.11.2024 | 23sc7 | 10ta38 | 15sa28 | 3cp51 | 3le14 | 19ge11R | 12pi42R | 25ta20R | 27pi17R | 29cp55 | 5ar44R | 15li21 |
16.11.2024 | 24sc7 | 25ta35 | 16sa31 | 5cp2 | 3le28 | 19ge4R | 12pi42 | 25ta17R | 27pi16R | 29cp56 | 5ar39R | 15li28 |
17.11.2024 | 25sc8 | 10ge21 | 17sa31 | 6cp14 | 3le43 | 18ge57R | 12pi42 | 25ta15R | 27pi15R | 29cp57 | 5ar31R | 15li34 |
18.11.2024 | 26sc8 | 24ge47 | 18sa28 | 7cp25 | 3le56 | 18ge50R | 12pi42 | 25ta12R | 27pi15R | 29cp58 | 5ar22R | 15li41 |
19.11.2024 | 27sc9 | 8cn49 | 19sa20 | 8cp36 | 4le10 | 18ge43R | 12pi42 | 25ta10R | 27pi14R | 29cp59 | 5ar14R | 15li48 |
20.11.2024 | 28sc9 | 22cn23 | 20sa8 | 9cp47 | 4le22 | 18ge36R | 12pi43 | 25ta7R | 27pi13R | 0aq0 | 5ar7R | 15li54 |
21.11.2024 | 29sc10 | 5le29 | 20sa50 | 10cp58 | 4le34 | 18ge29R | 12pi43 | 25ta5R | 27pi13R | 0aq1 | 5ar2R | 16li1 |
22.11.2024 | 0sa10 | 18le10 | 21sa27 | 12cp9 | 4le45 | 18ge21R | 12pi44 | 25ta2R | 27pi12R | 0aq2 | 4ar59R | 16li8 |
23.11.2024 | 1sa11 | 0vi30 | 21sa57 | 13cp20 | 4le56 | 18ge14R | 12pi44 | 25ta0R | 27pi12R | 0aq4 | 4ar59R | 16li14 |
24.11.2024 | 2sa12 | 12vi34 | 22sa20 | 14cp30 | 5le6 | 18ge6R | 12pi45 | 24ta57R | 27pi11R | 0aq5 | 4ar59 | 16li21 |
25.11.2024 | 3sa12 | 24vi26 | 22sa34 | 15cp41 | 5le15 | 17ge59R | 12pi46 | 24ta55R | 27pi11R | 0aq6 | 5ar0 | 16li28 |
26.11.2024 | 4sa13 | 6li13 | 22sa40 | 16cp52 | 5le24 | 17ge51R | 12pi47 | 24ta52R | 27pi10R | 0aq7 | 5ar0R | 16li34 |
27.11.2024 | 5sa14 | 18li0 | 22sa36R | 18cp2 | 5le32 | 17ge43R | 12pi48 | 24ta50R | 27pi10R | 0aq8 | 4ar59R | 16li41 |
28.11.2024 | 6sa14 | 29li50 | 22sa22R | 19cp13 | 5le39 | 17ge35R | 12pi50 | 24ta47R | 27pi10R | 0aq10 | 4ar56R | 16li48 |
29.11.2024 | 7sa15 | 11sc48 | 21sa57R | 20cp23 | 5le45 | 17ge27R | 12pi51 | 24ta45R | 27pi9R | 0aq11 | 4ar50R | 16li54 |
30.11.2024 | 8sa16 | 23sc56 | 21sa21R | 21cp33 | 5le51 | 17ge19R | 12pi53 | 24ta43R | 27pi9R | 0aq12 | 4ar42R | 17li1 |
An ephemeris is a book of planetary positions that lists where the planets will be in the zodiac in the past, present, or future. In the past it was used by astrologers in order to calculate birth charts by hand, but these days it is mainly useful for studying planetary transits and cycles. During the course of the episode we give a detailed introduction to the ephemeris, talk about some of the things you can do with it, and how to use it to improve your technical skills as an astrologer. A table giving the coordinates of a celestial body at specific times during a given period. Ephemerides can be used by navigators to determine their longitude while at sea and by astronomers in following objects such as comets. The use of computers has allowed modern ephemerides to determine celestial positions with far greater accuracy than in earlier publications.
The ephemeris contains the regular planets, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. The ephemeris also contains the Lunar Nodes True Node and Mean Node, the minor planet Chiron and the mathematical point `Lilith` or `Dark Moon`, technically known as the Lunar Apogee. An ephemeris is a book of planetary positions that lists where the planets will be in the zodiac in the past, present, or future. In the past it was used by astrologers in order to calculate birth charts by hand, but these days it is mainly useful for studying planetary transits and cycles.
This ephemeris comprises carefully chosen, essential data for use in investigating longterm cycles in history. More accurate data for astrologically researching specific historical times can then be found by using astrological computer programs. The only problem here is that only some programs are accurate enough for use over centuries and millennia of time. For use in historical work, programs which calculate the gravitational effects of the planets on each other are necessary, or which refer to precise ephemerides going far back in time, should be used. These gravitational effects have a greater influence on Uranus, Neptune and Pluto`s motions than on the inner planets of our solar system. However, most programs are sufficiently accurate for use in astrological work within 200 years of the present time.